Students & Families » Canvas


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Canvas is the online platform that serves as the one-stop shop for all classroom content at BART. This online platform is being used by all schools in the Berkshire district, so new students to BART will have varying experience already using this tool. Parents may request access to see what is happening in real-time in the classroom.  
Parents and Guardians: there are 2 steps to accessing your student's Canvas account.
Step 1 get the code from the student (video instructions)
Step 2 use the code to sign in as a parent (video instructions)
If you have tried the steps above and are still unable to gain access, please contact Erikka Adams by email or at 413-743-7311 ext. 729
To Access BART's Canvas at home: 
Step 1 please be on a desktop computer (mobile devices/iPad access is coming, TBD)
Step 2 be sure to go to BART's canvas URL - 
Step 3 choose "sign on with google" and be sure to enter school google info (it may try to direct to google accounts on that computer already)